About two weeks ego, I visited one of my SBS#26 blogs, and saw a Hanukkah card she said she had made for a friend...
About a week later I got an envelope in the post, and guess what? That card was for us!
I was very moved and I would like to share it with everyone :-)
Thank you so much Vickie! I love it! here it is
And again, two weeks ego in an israeli Forum I saw the beautiful creations by another online friend; an Israelie that lives in Canada with her DH. Because I found out that both of our Families are celebrating both holidays (Thats what happens in mixed marriges LOL), I asked her if she would like to have a festive swap between us.
We descided on a tree decoration + something else plus a card of course!
I got mine a few days ego and, trust me when I say this, the pictures are great! But its so much prettyer in reall life!
Thank you so much Mira! Love them all!
I am sorry I am not uploading them myself, but both blogs are great and you should see for yourself! (For the Hebrew one, there is always google translate! LOL)
Here is what I sent Mira, My Candeian/Israeli Friend:
A small wreath for the Xmas tree
A small desk calender:
I made two of this cards, but only took one picture LOL so here it is again :-)
And this is Me and My wee Princess lighting Hanukkah lights on the First day of Hanukkah, As you can see she is not looking at the lights...LOL